Friday, May 15, 2015

Grand Collusion is now available from Amazon!

GRAND COLLUSION is now available exclusively on Amazon as a Kindle ebook. 
A book about how the two major political parties collude flies in the face of conventional wisdom.  But, it is happening. This is not to say that the parties love one another or that this is some massive conspiracy.  Because they have some of the same threats and benefit financially from many of the same special interests, the two parties have naturally evolved into adversaries on the one hand, but allies on the other.  While the two parties primarily disagree on social issues, in practice they have colluded with one another on economic and foreign policy because this is where the big money is.  This has resulted in disastrous economic and foreign policies that have enriched Wall Street, the defense industry and even those working in politics.

While the idea that the two parties have made a mess of things may not be a surprise, the magnitude of the problem, the extent to which both parties have worked together in creating these problems and what it will take to fix them might be.  This is what GRAND COLLUSION is about.  By examining historical fiscal and economic data, political spending and the history of the parties and economic policy, the author explains how and why the two parties have, together, led us to a point where our nation is mired in debt and is very vulnerable to financial crises, such as what happened in 2008.   In addition to the usual suspects, economists, being the principal architects for government policies, have played a key role in leading us to this point.  The failures of modern economics and misapplication of economic theory by self-serving policymakers is explored in some detail.

Moreover, politics has become a very big business – rivaling the size of many major industries.  It is a business that benefits the people who work within the business of politics - not just the politicians, but the lobbyists, the media, the fundraisers, the "think tanks", and of course, the industries and wealthy individuals who finance the two parties.  Divisive, social issues are also explored and their role as tools for the political parties.  These divisive issues are critical to the political industry that includes the media, lobbyists, fundraisers, etc.  These issues get people to tune in to Fox News or MSNBC, to contribute to their favored party, or to pay for lobbyists and “think tank” studies.  In the meantime, while Americans were distracted by divisive social issues over these past few decades, the major political parties worked hand-in-hand to dismantle Depression-era regulations that had provided over 50 years of banking stability.  It is no coincidence that Wall Street was the single largest benefactor to the two parties over this period.

Solutions are offered in GRAND COLLUSION, but they are not easy or straightforward.  The beneficiaries of our current two-party system want to protect the status quo.  They will not give up easily.  There is a way to right the ship, and it may surprise you.

But be forewarned.  If you have a strong personal identity with one or the other major political party, this may not be the book for you.  Your faith in your party of choice will be challenged, even if your suspicions of the other party are confirmed.

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